Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Please immunize me against innoculations

We took Adara for her first innoculations yesterday. It took two of us to do it.  Let us just say that with an inconsolably screaming baby who went blue in the face yesterday afternoon I questioned why we do things that cause our babies pain.
Nuff said about that...


Sarah said...

last time that I went I used a tiny bit of topical anesthetic before they did the shot. Just a dab on Dylan's leg. I think that it helped, but who knows - it may have just made me feel better!


Jenn said...

If it's any consolation, for us they got easier and easier. Got a set on Monday and he heardly even flinched. Not that it makes it OK, but at least a bit easier

Anonymous said...

I hear you. I think the hardest thing EVER was when they pricked newborn Tristan's heel for that test they do. It nearly killed me. I struggle with the shots too!

Cath said...

It is absolutely heartbreaking to hear that scream. Braydon's doctor recommended giving him infant Tylenol (He gave us the dose) a half hour before his appointment. It seemed to help a little. Sorry there is nothing to help the heartbreaking felling.