Monday, December 3, 2007

The yellow poo at the end of the tunnel

In the first few weeks of life, Adara's poos where always green instead of the much desired healthy yellow.  There was long conversations with midwives and doctors about why this had happened.  The conclusion was that she wasn't getting enough of the good, high fat hindmilk from me, so I needed to force feed her a bit (anyone else sense an eating disorder to be in this tale? :)  ).  So, for several weeks everyone was diligently staring at Adara's dirty diapers, discussing if it was more or less yellow then before, waxing poetic about what yellow vs. green really means and generally discussing these remarkably close colours on the colour wheel.  
One particularly bad day, Len and I decided that we were just really hold out for "The yellow poo at the end of the tunnel!"  Who knew how quickly parenthood could turn you into a critic of poos?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"follow the yellow poo, follow the yellow poo, follow the yellow poo road...!"