Saturday, December 8, 2007

Half Way There

So last night I went to the Bon Jovi concert with my mystery date.  She must remain mysterious as she was kinda playing hooky from work, and who the heck knows who's reading stuff online these days.  We've wanted to go and see Bon Jovi forever, so this time we sucked up the ridiculous ticket prices and did it! It was awesome.  I did my hair in huge pin curls so that I was looking all eighties and off we went to the ACC.  
It was a pretty standard concert, some guys singin' and playin'; none of this fancy pants "Celine Dion flying through the air on a bow of a ship" crap.  Just good tunes and a super hot Jon Bon Jovi.  Len and I agreed long ago that if he ever had the chance to sleep with Angelina Jolie and I ever had the chance to sleep with Jon Bon Jovi, we should totally do it!  I mean, who could resist and you'd kick yourself for the rest of your life if you said no.  Len recently pointed out that I'm the one who picked Angelina Jolie for him and she actually wouldn't be his choice for his "get out of Jail Free infidelity".  But, c'mon, she's hot!!  Anyhow, so is Jon Bon Jovi!!!!  
The music was awesome, we danced up a storm and got stupidly drunk on these king size over the top beers that they sell, with really handy lids so that you don't go all spilly on folks.  Although, somehow, that didn't stop my date from gettin' all spilly, silly girl!  It was pretty cool because there was lots of teens and twenties and also old folks like us and lots of people who had brought there 10 and 11 year old kids.  One guy had a two year old with him, which struck me as slightly odd, but hey, to each his own!
At 5:30 am I was maybe kinda regretting all the liquor when I realized that I could not successfully navigate my stairs with the baby in my arms. It's the first time that I've been drunk since last new years. But, Len was super cool about taking care of her and so was Cynthia who came to babysit while we are at the show.  Thanks Cynthia!
Feeding the babe at 5:30 am (liquor well and out of my milk at this point) it was like she was a new person to me.  I've never gone that long ( 10 hours) without seeing her before.  I felt like we were meeting again, and she was awfully sweet!  All in all, a good  night and the fulfillment of a small town hard rockers dreams!

1 comment:

Howler said...

Rock on, Rocker. Good for you for getting a totally decent night out! Next time, Metallica.