Monday, December 17, 2007

This weeks visitors

This week, Adara and I had a visit from superstar Ms. Lisa Norton and knitting goddess and partner, Amy Stewart and James.  Lisa came and helped to decorate the Christmas tree,thank heavens, cause it wasn't happening all on my own!  We drank some hot chocolate, sang some carols, ate some pad thai; a very traditionally tree trimming party!
Amy and James came by with baby leg warmers for Adara to try on.  Amy's knitting them so that we can take her out in the front pack without her legs getting cold.  Adara was fascinated with James, who, as you can see, has a beard.  Adara's Poppa (grandfather) has a beard, and they have a lot of fun playing together, so I think that she was wondering when Poppa was going to start making his funny faces!  Either way, she liked James pretty well.

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