Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Canada Day and the week that followed

So, we started off our nine days of vacation with a drop off at Jenn's house for a bbq, marshmallows and fireworks, plus a good bit of flag waving!
Then it was off the next day for a week of camping at Miller Lake near Tobermory. Awesome! WE'll post pics later, but suffice it to say that it was perfect. A short list of fun goes like this swimming (lots of it) Paddleboarding ( a bit for mamma) basketball (2 games to 1 on 21, I'll get you next time Stannard!) ping pong fishing (Adara with Pappa) Ticket to ride board game ( a new thing in our lives, thanks Pablo) Adara going to the store with the big boys (three times, pretty exciting) naps (many for Adara, none for me. Adara would just fall over where she stood and sleep at all times and places) Live music at a great pub feeding the ducks in Tobermory sparklers spinning on the end of drill(super fun, thanks Dave!) and lots of glow sticks! Plus much much more. It was entirely perfect.