Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Hiding from my baby

I'm currently upstairs in the spare room "hiding" from my baby. Why? Because she's completely exhausted and every time I pick her up she gets excited and wound up and wants to eat and snuffles like mad through her nose until she pukes. If I set her down in the swing she gets very calm and starts to head to sleep, which she really needs right about now. However, If I walk around or sit downstairs anywhere within a mile of her, she picks up on my stress and screams. Thus, I hide. Don't worry she's perfectly safe, all nicely strapped into her happy place swing. It's like hide and seek, only for a very little baby.
Tomorrow, we are off to do a little talk for the Canada Council. I'm excited to get to use that part of my brain, but seriously hoping that she doesn't scream at all the nice theatre folk! Heather's being a champ and is going to come and help, so we'll see how it goes.

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