Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Morning Glory

So, this morning I brought the baby into bed with us and she fed and slept on and off from 9 am to 11:30am, a pretty lovely start to the day.  This is how the rest of the day went:

noon: feed
1pm: diaper change results in pee everywhere including in her hair
1:15pm an unscheduled bath to deal with above mentioned pee-a-thon.  In the midst of poor Len trying to clean the house, so dishes and food etc where unceremoniously pushed out of the way for the pee covered babe
1:20 new diaper and outfit
1:25 mommy has the bright idea to give a nice tummy massage
1:28 the hugest, most liquidious poo ever seen on earth
1:30pm new diaper with daddys help, change pad number two into the laundry
1:32pm hiccups, dammit!
1:33 pm feed
1:34 pm throw up on mommy including her clothes
1:35 mommy dries off
1:37 feed
1:40 puke down mommy's back (we're now 40 minutes late for a playdate)
1:50pm finally leave the house
2:30 pm feed
3:15 pm feed
4:15pm feed
5:15pm the screaming attack from the blog below, both baby and mommy are screaming for no apparent reason, other then all the crazy liquid explosions of the day
5:20pm an attempt at feeding, but mommy is empty, tears from mommy and baby
5:25pm  blessed nap time for all
8pm blogging as we have recovered somewhat
I shall call this day "Attack of the Bodily Fluids"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's just 'delete' that afternoon, shall we? Nothing happened between that lovely morning snooze together and the lovely suppertime snooze...right? In fact, I'm not sure you even woke up! Wow - what a great day yesterday was! Congratulations!