Friday, December 14, 2007

My Sense of Humour?...

I find that my patience is wearing a bit thin with people's who's young babies sleep through the night.  I started out all nice, like "Wow, good for you, that's wonderful" (all sincere smiles and truly happy for them.  After two months of Adara only sleeping maximum three hours at a time, I've gotten a bit "Yeah, great.  Good for you.  Fanbleepingtastic what a wonder your child is! "(all sarcasm and thinly veiled annoyance).   
What the heck!  What is the magic formula here to get this kid to sleep???  I asked my  doctor and he said that when his four year old slept entirely through the night, he'd let me know what the magic formula was.  He said that when patients used to come in saying "My baby doesn't sleep through the night and I've tried this method, and that book, and this system and nothing works"  he'd find himself mentally writing down the names of the methods and books that they tried, in order to look them up later, instead of helping the patient.  Not the most reassuring.  I'm convinced that she is capable of sleeping longer if she'd just eat more at once.  Is it wrong to force feed your two month old baby? :)  Me: "C'mon dammit, just one more suck!!"  Adara: "No mommy please, my little belly is so full!"  Me: "Do it, darn you, or else!"
What a borderline violent fantasy world I occupy on occasion! :)


Cath said...

I feel for you this is extremely rough,I was once in that boat it sucks. I can say that it does get better, eventually. I hope you do not mind me mentioning a couple of ideas to consider. When I was in that boat a couple of people told me to give him a tiny bit of Paplum at his last feed. When I tried it I made it very runny and only gave him a baby spoon full but it extended his sleep by an hour. Others have tried it and it extended thier baby's sleep a couple of hours. I do not know if Adara is a soother baby but something else I did later was put 3 or 4 soothers in his bed at night which started to help him put himself back to sleep without me because he always lost the one he started with.It is so hard, every baby is so different. I hope you start getting more sleep.

Kendra said...

Thanks Cathy. That's twice this week that I've heard the pablum thought, so I think that we'll give it a go.

Cath said...

I hope it works for you! Hang in there I promise it does get better a little at a time and when you get to actually having 6 hours in a row it is absolutely heavenly.