Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Take that Cold! Hiyaaaa!

Ha! So, when I started getting the cold on sunday, I ate a raw clove of garlic before bed. Yep, just stuck it in my mouth, chewed it and swallowed it on sunday and monday night. Disgusting? Yep. Effective? You bet!!! By tuesday I was so much better that you could hardly tell I had a cold. Score one for the mamma!
There was 15 cm of snow here again today. Adara and I went out for a walk, but couldn't take the stroller as our little stroller won't handle this much snow and the replacement jogging stroller hasn't show up yet. So, I put her in the hip carrying pack in her snowsuit and off we went. It went fantastically, we walked to the local deli and visited with the owner there who I've been wanting to go and see since Adara was born. I had a lovely conversation in there with her a couple of times when I was very pregnant, but hadn't been back since. She remembered that Adara was breech and asked how it had all turned out. This was a conversation that we had five months ago... in Toronto, where no one listens to anyone. I was pleasantly surprised by her memory and interest. Smart woman, all of my deli needs will be met by her instead of Sobey's from now on!
In other news, Jenn was here yesterday and this morning. It was lovely to see her and catch up. My friend Lisa's mom, Lolita, came over to babysit. It surprises me that I can shout out to the universe that I need a babysitter for that night and for free and that one shows up. People like babies, I think.


Anonymous said...

where's the deli????

Anonymous said...

Ya know - the eating garlic cloves thing...I believe you, and all...but it's kind of in the same vein as folks telling me to pour salt water in one nostril and let it run through my sinuses and flow out the other...I JUST CANNOT BRING MYSELF TO DO IT! Maybe I just have to get sick enough! I have no trouble squeezing out live humans...but THAT? 'shiver'

Kendra said...

The deli is the Oak park deli at Mortimer and Oak Park which is just west of us.