Saturday, March 1, 2008

Crazy Eating Machine!

So, that crazy baby decided today that at every feed she was going to eat double. So, every breastfeed today was both sides. When I went out for a couple of hours in the afternoon and Cynthia took over, she drank two bottles. 12 ounces!!!! She usually takes five or six! Crazy baby, what are you up to now??
In good (but humbling) news I finally started a bedtime routine. I didn't think that it was possible with her but decided to give it a try. Instant success. After four days of the routine, she went to bed tonight without even a cry. Victory! What's funny about it is how certain I was that a strict bedtime routine was unneccessary and cumbersome. I'm a stubborn fool sometimes; I should just listen to the veteran moms and stop arguing. Sorry Jenn, Kristen, mom, etc, anyone else who ever tried to tell me anything about anything parenting wise.
Mystery solved about the package; it's from Auntie Kristen via ebay. She's totally the ebay queen! Greg (Kristens partner) says that it's cheaper to let her go crazy buying clothes for Adara then for them to have another baby. True enough, buy on Auntie, buy on!

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