It's been a challenging month for mommy and you, feet and feet of snow have fallen in Toronto and we've been trapped in the house a lot. We also both got sick together for the first time, but I'm sure not the last. But we came through it, and you're good natured smiles and giggles helped mommy and daddy persevere.
Speaking of those giggles; this is a skill that you've mastered now! You giggle when we make high pitched noises, when we blow kisses on your belly and when we pretend to nibble on your fingers and toes.
You're also all about chewing and putting things in your mouth this month. You lay and sit around the house much of the time now with a washcloth hanging out of your mouth like a little puppy with a chew toy. Adorable!
You've also developed a real personality this month. You manage to tell us with your little grunt and squeals, the direction of your eyes and the quirk of your eyebrows, if you want to eat more, play with a certain toy or be picked up. You've mastered the "flick the eyes to mommy's breast, quirk your eyebrows and smile manouver" that clearly says "I could have a little snack please".
At night, you hardly ever cry now. You roll over, grab your soft yellow duck blanket, rub it between your fingers, stick your thumb in your mouth and drift off. On the sleep front, you're a real chameleon. Sometimes you sleep 12 hours straight through, sometimes you're up three times in the night! We have no idea what you're up to, but are pretty confident that you'll work it out in your own sweet time.
You've also developed an odd relationship with the frog mobile in your room this month. You're fascinated by it, love it and are utterly terrified by it all at once. During the day you love to bat at it, look at it and watch it swing over your change table. At bedtime you have to be held in front of it for a good minute or so before you can establish that the frogs are not going to attack you and that it's safe to sleep.
You're also all about food this month. Mommy and daddy can no longer eat in front of you because you're so truly hurt that we wouldn't offer you any. You're managing rice cereal every day now, but the sweet potatoes definitely did not agree with you, and you're not even willing to try the oat cereal.
Baby girl, I can't even explain to you how much we love you. We are both fascinated by your beautiful face and smile, your happy kicking legs and your efforts at sitting up, rolling over and holding on to toys. You grow more lovely and intelligent every day and I truly can't remember what life was like before you.
We love you so much, happy five months Bella,
love mommy and daddy
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