Friday, March 7, 2008

Stroller Woes

So, our replacement jogger stroller arrived today, just in time for the big snow storm. I was so happy, thinking that maybe I would manage to make it through the snow this weekend. But, no. The ridiculous company sent us a replacement stroller with the exact same problem. What kind of stupidity does it take to send a replacement item out with the precise same problem??? And then they were surprised when I informed them that I would not be waiting three more weeks to have yet a third defective stroller sent to me. So now we have to fax them the receipt, wait two weeks for a refund code, go back to the original store, show them the refund code, give them back the TWO strollers and get our money back. I don't even know how I'm going to get two strollers and a baby into the car!!
That combined with some news that we would have to spend $10,000 pronto on our house sent me a bit over the edge. Add to that a plague of mice (four running around the living room yesterday) and I had a minor fit. The lovely Len gave me the afternoon free and I went for a swim and am feeling a good bit cheerier now.
Now I'm looking for a new jogging stroller (preferably under $250), so moms; send me your recommendations. We arent' huge joggers, just need a stroller big enough to go through the snow and that Len and I can lightly jog and roller blade with.
At mom group yesterday Adara gave a great big yelp and literally threw herself from her back to her front. She temporarily got her arm stuck under her and had a very funny moment of nose to the ground, legs frantically kicking at the floor, arm stuck underneath... but she worked it out. All the moms gave little shouts of joy for her. Very exciting!
Alas,no pics again today. Silly iphoto is all messed up. Ironic to buy a mac and have only the media functions be all messed up. Anyone noticing a theme of broken stuff, I shall rename this blog entry "Broken Bits"! :)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I don't know how much they're worth, but I'd go for the Phil and Ted's stroller - it's the sexiest thing on 3 wheels I've ever seen, and Julia RAVES about it, and then I can buy it off you when you're done with it, buy the 2nd layer for the double decker, and we'll all be happy!! Maybe you can find one on Kijiji or Craig's list??