Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Stupid life stuff

Today the garbage men delivered new garbage bins that we are to use... except to us.

 Apparently we were supposed to order one online before the end of 2007.  Apparently we were supposed to know this and received some kind of notice in the mail.  In my past life I would have said indignantly that "No, I did not receive a notice" and "Yes, I'm sure; I have an excellent memory!  Where's my freakin' bin???"  But, due to my darling babys' arrival, I have no idea if we received this notice or not.  It could have arrived and I could have done what I was supposed to and the city might have screwed up. Or, it could have arrived I might have lost it, or put it in the wash or stuffed it in a drawer, or any of a variety of things, under which case I have no right to be annoyed.  Or, it might never have arrived; dumb metro city, blah, blah, blah.  Strangely, every time that we call the city they hang up on us.  Do they realize how tenuous my grasp on patience is???  Even stranger, our super organized, mega annoying, noisy neighbours didn't get their garbage bin either.  But our 25 year old slacker neighbour whose mother comes to do the gardening and Len does his shoveling: his garbage bin arrived.  I'm tempted to steal his, 'cause there's just no way in my world that Eric did what he was supposed to and I didn't!! :)
Here's a pic of the babe to sweeten the above rant.


Anonymous said...

Are you talkin' about the new big blue bins with lids and wheels? Cuz if ya are -I got a notice and order form which was due about a month ago...however...after I'd missed the deadline, I noticed fine print that said that if you did not send in your order, they'd automatically send you the medium sized one (which I wanted anyway!) I felt smug that I'd somehow 'taken care' of it...without taking care of it! If this is the bin you're talking about...then your story does not provide me with confidence. Go steal the slacker-neighbour's bin. You deserve it...you're just generally so much better in every way...TAKE IT...but don't let nosy neighbour CATCH you or there will be hell to pay!

Kendra said...

Nice! You made me laugh! Weirdly, it's not the big blue bins for recyling, that I remember hearing about. It's actually for garbage. confusing...