Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Childhood Memories

When I was visiting with my parents in Florida, I was chatting with them about childhood memories. I was trying to establish what Adara would or wouldn't remember and was thinking about "quality time" with my kiddo. I know, she can't remember right now; but I'm nothing if not a planner.
So, here's some of my most easily remembered childhood memories:
1) building sandcastles in PEI with my dad
2) the sound of rain on the roof of our camper trailer
3) laying in the bunk beds in my grandparents trailer. They were like little kid houses, with shelves, your own light and curtains to make yourself a little cave.
4) swimming in the lake: often, too many times to count; but one time in particular for my bday ( 11 0r 12 maybe) jumping over waves with all of my friends
5) Food: the smell of it when I got home from school: spagetti and meat sauce, swiss steak, cabbage soup,
6) the last day of school when my sister and I would hull all of the strawberries for freezing
7) rolling pennies for christmas gifts
8) buying our christmas ornament and decorating the tree every year
9) my cousin Michelles' wedding and the excitement of being a junior bridesmaid
10) marching up and down the grand staircase at my cousin's house chanting "chandelier" (word of the day, I think)
Some of these memories are more impressions of moments then actual memories; but precious nonetheless. Very few of them relate to a specific family special day out, except for the entire trip to PEI which I remember vividly. What are some of your childhood memories? What do you think stands out and why?


Anonymous said...

I'll probably never quite get past the early memory of running to meet my Grandparents with new kittens in my smock pockets and falling and crushing them to death. Oops, sorry - was it supposed to be a happy memory? My bad.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Kendra

For me, there are lots of specific childhood memories, but there's a lot of "emotional" feelings as well. I remember having fun with my family, I remember feeling safe, I remember having interesting conversations (although not the specifics), I remember feeling respected, I remember being cuddled, I remember laughing, I remember learning things, I remember being read to. Some of the best "quality time" didn't come out of special events, but the everyday - getting help with homework, talking in the car on the way to do the weekly food shop, being goofy while my parents brushed my teeth. In other words, I remember being loved. Adara will remember some things and not others, but I think she will remember, deep in her memory, that you love her and think she's great. Everything else is detail.

My 2c.


Anonymous said...


Speaking of childhood memories, what about the time Hoppy tried to escape through the sun roof?


Anonymous said...

Ah... Auntie Ruthie...I think Hoppy out the window is a Scar, not a memory! LOL! I remember that holiday though cuz we went through drive thru in our PJs (in the early 80s...when drive thru was soooo novel!)