Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Half Birthday Baby Girl

Hello Darling. Can that really be you in the picture, a mere two hours old? I found a little yellow sleeper this weekend that you wore when you were three weeks old and it made me cry. We've come an incredible distance. This past month, you've been an absolute joy and everyone is completely in love with you. You are full of giggles and curiousity and fun. You're also impatient, and have a nasty temper, much like both your mother and father. In short, you're a fighter and a character and a charmer too.

This past month you've mastered some pretty neat new tricks!

1) Waving: at anyone, but mostly at Grammy who taught you how

2) Rolling over. Everywhere, all of the time, and often as a means of locomotion. You particularly love doing this quickly and with force while we're trying to change your diaper.

3) Jumping. Again, all the time, on anything or anyone.

4) The stiff bodied refusal. Arms and legs straight as a nail and stiff, growling at us, in order to stop us doing anything that you don't like, or sometimes just to get a reaction.

5) Giggling. Lots and particularly when playing with daddy or Pappa.

6) Dropping things off your highchairs. 'Nuff said.

7) Eating. With great, glorious, loud, excitement.

Some other major moments this month have included petting your first cat and going to your first business meeting. You didn't think much of the business meeting (much crying and pooping...) and when the cat licked you, you screamed in terror. Guess that you're not going to be a vet.

With the sun starting to come out, Mamma and you have been everywhere this past month. In strollers and cars, side packs and slings, we've done it all. We've been to the ROM with auntie, where you observed the plebs from your sling while placidly sucking back a bottle. We've been clothes shopping and out to lunch and tea more times then I can count. We've been to the homeshow, where daddy had to strip you naked and run you under the taps to get you clean in the mens bathroom.

You've been a superstar, charming people everywhere we go. Except for the grocery store where you cry non-stop. Why, baby girl? If you tell me what's up, I promise I'll try to fix it, but mommy and daddy need to eat someday, so lets figure this one out, ok?

In this past month, Daddy and I really notice the transition from infant to baby. You're much sturdier and stronger and have marked preferences for certain toys, foods, games and people. Any day now we know that you'll be off and crawling.

This month I find myself feeling like you're growing up too fast. You're so sweet and good natured and lovable, that I long to hold onto these days when we can cuddle up on the couch together for a good long feed or nap.

Happy half birthday Bella Adara, I can't wait to see what the next six months hold.

Love, mommy and daddy


Jenn said...

Happy half birthday to the babe...and to the Mama for making it this far! Wahoo!!

P.S. You got a cute one...that smile is AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful pic of you two gals! Happy 6mo. to both of you (and Len, too!) you've earned this milestone...and yes - it is going fast...I know!