Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bouncing Baby

So, the title of this post is a bit of gallows humour. I dropped Adara today. She's fine, don't worry, screamed her guts out for a minute and a half, had some milk and recovered. I'm kind of glad that that's done with, because it was inevitable that it would happen at some point. Those of you who don't have kids might be thinking "Inevitable, why? Are you a bad mother, tossing your baby around like some poor rag doll?" Those of you with kids are saying, "Yep. Either they fall off something or you drop them, it always happens." Babies are really wriggly, and they throw their great, fat, heads around with abondonment. They usually do this when you are most off guard.

We were outside and she was playing and I was working on the garden. She was getting fussy, so I thought that I'd put her in the side pack and we'd water the plants together. She loves running water, so I thought that the watering can up close might be particularly exciting. So, I put the waist strap on with the velcro, put her in the pack and was working on doing up the clip that is the safety on the waist strap. Stupid, I know. She gave an almighty head toss backwards, the velcro let go and she fell from waist height onto her right side on the grass, which is fortunately still quite spongey. She gave me a look as if I'd committed the ultimate betrayal, which, really, I had. On the upside, I think that she's fine and I'm fine; six hours later.

In the spirit of not overdramatizing this mommy mishap, I invite you to share your baby dropping/falling stories with me. C'mon people, I know it's happened to you! Grandmas, get in there and tell us about how you irreparably damaged us as well.
'Cause honestly, I'm feeling pretty bad about this one and need to hear that I'm not the worst mother in the world!


Anonymous said...

Just a month or so ago I was walking two kids and a puppy through the alley to daycare. Phelan was on my shoulders, alley was icey and treacherous (it was case you've already forgotten with blissful advent of spring!). Puppy pooped, Mama scooped, forgot she had a toddler on her shoulders and LET GO. Toddler fell off from shoulders onto icy pavement.

Feel better yet, Kendra?

Jenn said...

I tripped over the dog, and dropped the baby, but he landed on the bed. But it stopped a crying fit that had been going on for about 2 hours at that point. I considered dropping him more often.

And Griffin has fallen off the bed onto his head more times than I can count!