Friday, January 11, 2008

Life in the medium lane

I went swimming today and for the first time since before I was pregnant, I swam in the medium lane instead of the slow lane. Woo HOO! Moving up in the world. Up until this point I've mostly just been stretching muscles and testing systems when I swam. Today was an honest to goodness 30 minute cardio swim that challenged my physical fitness a bit to keep up with everyone. I felt great!
I think, also, that life in the medium lane, is a very apt description for me and the babe right now. Prior to the baby coming, even while very pregnant, I lived life in the fast lane. Lots of work, lots of shows to see, lots of nights out. For the past three months I've been in the slow/stopped lane. Just this past week I feel like we might be ready to rejoin the world on a limited basis. I took on a bit of grant writing work this week and will do a bit more, I think. I also got back to cooking and got my wee family back on the fruit and veggie track instead of the carbs and "whatever gets to my mouth fastest and probably includes peanut butter" track. I'm feeling pretty good. Let's see if it lasts!
In other news, apparently Adara rolled over from her front to her back twice this week with her dad watching. This was clearly punishment of me, since I had refused to take the early shift with her (8:30am) which is always mine. In return for my abandonment, she showed off her new trick to her dad. Traitor! :) Oh well, soon she'll be running all over the place and I won't be so excited by rolling over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are always new thrills! If it's not rolling over, it'll be handsprings, solid poops or successful attempts to put on their own socks. Don't worry - she WILL roll over again...and you'll be there...eventually. The medium lane is a good place for personalities like ours - it's hard to just 'BE' there, but it's an important challenge to face.