Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Three Months Tomorrow

My friend Jenn wrote a letter to her son Griffin in her blog each month of his life.  I intended to do the same but never got there. So, tomorrow is Adara's 3 month birthday, so here we go.
Well baby girl, it's been a long haul with lots of ups and downs.  In the past three months you've been held by a lot of people who love you so much that they don't mind if you scream and cry.  And lately you've been held a lot by a lot of people who love your smiles, screams of delight and expressive little face.
When you came you were so tiny and perfect and beautiful.  But every day you get more beautiful.  When you sleep, you're like a sweet china doll.  When you're awake you huff and puff and scream and roll around like a little puppy, and I love it!
In three months you've learned the following things:
1) how to get what you want through making a variety of noises of varying degrees of intensity...
2) how to suck your thumb.  You spent two very intense days at grammy and poppa's house learning this skill and haven't look back since. 
3) how to hold a rattle. In fact, today in baby salsa class you held your own baby sized maraca for 10 minutes.  Now I just have to teach you to shake it...
4) how to roll over.  Although I have yet to witness this mythical skill myself, daddy reassures me that it has happened
5) how to sleep without your white noise machine.  Good girl, cause that thing was driving mommy and daddy a bit batty!
6) how to put yourself to sleep in your crib, sometimes
It's been a big three months.  You've travelled to Goderich twice and Shelburne once.  You and mommy have travelled via front pack, stroller, car and train.  Now just airplane and subway to conquer!
You've also gotten more nicknames then I could possibly have imagined.  Little Rat Girl, bunny, kitty, Bonita, Fatty Two Chins and Bella. 
You and I have really grown into eachother over the past three months. I've learned how to understand you and have come to love all of your crazy little quirks.  Ok, so the fact that you're "very alert for your age" has some downsides, but I wouldn't trade your wonder at the world for anything.  
You've gone from sleeping two hours at a time to sometimes six hours; and mommy and daddy thank you for it.  Plus, you've developed a nice habit of nuzzling into peoples necks to sleep, which everyone loves!
Just this week you've started noticing when someone other then mommy or daddy is taking care of you, and you're none to happy about it!  I'm frustrated that you don't like other people anymore, but also secretly pleased that you clearly know who we are now, and given your choice would always choose mommy and daddy.  Kinda nice, that is.
I can't imagine life without you anymore, even though I occasionally yearn for the easy freedom of those days.   You and daddy and I have a long time ahead to get to know each other.  I can't wait for what lies ahead.  I promise to  keep being patient with you, and loving you for better and worse. As long as you keep giving me your smiles and loves, I think that we're going to be ok.
Thank you little girl for choosing us.  Happy three months baby girl.


Anonymous said...

Lucky Adara.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to mommy, daddy, and "baby poochie" (AKA Adara)on this 3 month anniversary. Love seeing the pics. Happy Day and love to all!

Anonymous said...

Ok, need a kleenex! She is a little blessing that pumpkin!