Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Day In The Life

A friend who doesn't have children asked me the other day what "I do all day?". A valid question and not intended to suggest that I have a life of leisure; she was just curious. I answered in a non-commital kind of way, because I really didn't know what we did all day. It occurred to me since then, that if someone had really answered that question for me, I would have understood better the challenges of having a baby. So, for all my friends out there who are trying and/or expecting, here's yesterday:
7:30 am get up, lay baby naked in front of tv (bad mommy) to air out the bum while I make tea and grab a banana
8 am dress baby
8:15-8:30 Adara eats
8:30-9 put in laundry and play with baby
9 am change baby's clothes
9:30 am-10:30 am baby sleeps, I shower, check email, pack for Florida and move laundry around
10:30-10:50 Adara eats
10:50 I eat
11am change diaper and pack up to grocery shop
11:30 am- 1 pm walk to store with baby in sling, shop and walk home
1pm quick snack for me and groceries away
1:15pm feed baby, change diaper
1:30pm play with baby, clean up kitchen
2pm baby sleeps, I fold laundry
2:20 baby up, change diaper
2:30 play with baby while reading book and talking on phone
3 pm- 4pm feed Adara, there's always a long nurse like this in the late pm
4- 4;20 baby sleeps, I start dinner
4:20 baby up, change her, throw her in sling while I make dinner one handed
5:30 pm feed baby, fussy time starts, feeding, puking,sleeping and changing in no particular order until magical 7pm
7pm Adara sleeps usually until 1am. I make food for the next day, eat dinner, write this blog, read and watch tv, sometimes quilt or have a friend visit

So that's a pretty typical day at home for us. Play dates with other moms and babes are much the same only out of the house, so more in and out of carseats! That's the answer to the question, what do I do all day! :)

PS This whole blog was typed one handed with her on my knee!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day! I'm delighted to hear that the sling factored into your day more than once...I can see you've definitely figured out how to make it work for you! Yay! Have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

There is light at the end of the tunnel...My snow day went like this- home alone with Liam all day:

7am back to bed when school closed for the day due to snow storm

9am MOmmy wakes to hear Liam playing Lego in his room

9:30 feed kid cheerios and read him a story

10am Mommy does computer work for school, Liam watched TV

11am Liam's buddy comes over to play. Mommy read a book

2pm Liam's buddy is hungry so I feed both kids PB&J and continue to read.

2:45 Boys go out to play. (both dress themselves )Mommy starts load of laundry and reads.

4pm Liam comes in soaking wet. Put him in the tub and wash all his clothes. Liam gets own snack of Ritz crackers and goat's cheese. Vaccuum and thaw dinner

5pm Daddy home.
So you gets much easier

Anonymous said...

Additional info for new mommies:

at age 3- Liam could get own "breakfast" of dry cheerios and juice box after getting himself out of bed in the morning.

at age 4- Liam could completely dress himself for school. Liam can turn on the TV and VCR/DVD player by himself.

at age 5- Liam can make his own lunch for school with supervision and limited choices. Liam can operate the computer all by himself including logging onto the internet and playing on

at age 6 -Liam can make toast, Eggo waffles, cereal and pour own milk. Liam can buckle himself into the car seat in a safe and timely manner (YEAH it takes that long for him to learn)

at age 7- Liam can run his own shower and bath, make his bed, clean his room, do his homework, pack his schoolbag, get completely ready for school, call friends to come over and play, pay bills on the internet, vaccuum, dust, change clothes from washer to dryer and fold them, put them away and even hit the laundry basket with the dirty clothes!

So there does come a time when things get MUCH MUCH easier. love sis