Saturday, January 5, 2008


I was chatting with some friends tonight who are busily getting ready to conceive their first child. It was lovely to talk babies, and pregnancy and other such things that I love and I was really happy for them that they're ready and the time is right for them.
I also felt kind of scared and nervous for them. Adara, Len and I (plus my poor parents who helped out) had a very difficult two months or so. Adara was not easy, although it wasn't her fault as the poor mite had a pretty nasty tummy! However, it takes the cake as the most mentally and physically challenging two months of my life. Sitting up with your three week old at 3 am as she screams in pain for three hours straight is difficult and emotionally draining. Once you've talked with every doctor and tried every possible cure, there's nothing that you can do, really. Much as I love my babe, at this moment, I must say that I wouldn't repeat those two months again for all of the tea in China! In fact, I think that i"ll buy stock in contraceptive technology, 'cause I'm gonna be using lots of it! :)
I'm really honestly now looking forward to the months and years ahead with my baby girl. That being said, i wish for all my pregnant and trying to conceive friends (there's lots of you, by the way...) a very easily contented, non colicky baby.

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