Thursday, January 24, 2008

Getting Ready To Go It Alone

Well, Adara, Len and I are entering a new phase in our family life this week. As many of you know, since before Adara's birth Len has been working 80 hour weeks and Adara was quite colicky for the first two months. So, thankfully, I've had a bevy of helping hands to get me through this long haul. From friends coming over at night, to my parents on weekends and the wonderful Nanny Annie who came in eight hours a week to help me out and let me go and have a swim; I've had a lot of help. At the sixth week of Adara's life I realized that I hadn't gone one day without someone visiting or calling, and it's been fantastic.
In the last few weeks, the phone calls have slowed down and the baby and I have been out on our own more. We've been at mom's groups, Movies for Mommies and Baby Salsa. Today, we overcame the last hurdle as I put her in the sling and managed (for the first time) to succesfully walk the ten minutes to the grocery store,shop and walk back without her crying. A huge victory considering how long it took us just to get her to like the sling! (thank you Jenn and Gretel, you were right, it's awesome!)
And now, Len's work has slowed down to a much more reasonable 50 hour week, with him being home Monday and Tuesday during the day, and sometimes Friday day as well. A huge difference.
So, I'm entering a new phase in my life as a mother. Starting after my trip to Florida (next week) it's time to have Nanny Annie a little less or possible not at all (sob...) With Len being home I have help but the pocket book is leaner, so time to scale down. But, I'm really going to miss this wonderful woman who adores my daughter, takes great care of me, is a wonderful listener, and manages to do two loads of laundry and cook dinner in four short hours, while caring for Adara! Not to mention that when I come home, a cup of tea is always waiting for me! It's going to be so hard not having her around as much, but I'm seriously hoping that she'll consider returning when I go back to work.
As for my little family, now that Len's home it's time for me to relax and let him co-parent more. He's a fantastic father and has great instincts, so now it's time to let him do things his way without interruption from me.
I'm also feeling a lot more in control of things and have noticed that people have stopped handling me with kid gloves in case I break! All good things, but I can't help feeling a little sad. I've never felt more supported, loved and cared for then I have in the past three months. I've talked to more friends, connected more, had more supportive emails and generally felt closer to my friends and family then ever before.
So, it's time for this mommy to graduate and go it alone. Or at least, a little more alone, a little more often. But please, do call, email, or come by once in awhile. Because, as you all know, mommyhood can be a bit of a lonely road.


Anonymous said...

Kendra! You will never be alone again! On two fronts. One thing about kids is, you are unconditionally number one. You will always be loved and needed (ie: never alone)...comforting and lovely. Second thing is, practically every possible scenario, feeling, doubt, joy - can be appreciated by another mom. We've all been there in some form or other - so whether it's a blue, desperate day where nothing goes right, or the warm feeling of perfect bliss when your child willfully wraps their arms around your neck for the first time, 'WE' are all out here and are sharing that moment with you. You may start flying 'solo' more - as you find your feet, find your groove etc - but don't feel like it means you are 'alone'. I'm not one of those folks whose been there every week (but I do lay claim to being one of the FIRST on the scene!) but I hope you feel my presence in your life through my loyal following of your blog and such. I'm overjoyed that you have had your breakthrough with the sling. It just takes you figuring it out yourself, when the time is right. No amount of coaching (other than pure encouragement) can really teach you to use it. As you have likely learned, the trick is to load up the baby...THEN MOVE, MOVE, MOVE. Once you're on the move, all will be well - even with the ones who don't like to snuggle much. I want to see sling pics!

Kendra said...

Thanks for the awesome encouragement Gretel! I have a sling pic, but for some reason it will only load sideways onto my dumb page! Jenn, thougths on how to fix that?

Jenn said...

Wow. I was going to have a nice long comment too, but Gretel said it all!

As for sideways loading pictures, do you have a program you can edit it in, to turn it? If you don't have Picasa, I'd highly suggest getting it - edit the photo then export it to a new folder all edited and pritty, and upload away!

I'm so happy to hear you're doing so well, with motherhood, with slinging, with everything!


Anonymous said...

With that much love - from you and from all of us - I think the world just got brighter :-) But I'd keep Nanny anyway - there's no shame in having help on top of the love!