Thursday, January 31, 2008

Three good days,and a bad one

Adara and I flew to Florida on Monday. It went quite well, all in all. A bit challenging, getting through security with a baby who desperately wanted to be fed, especially when they made us all take our shoes off and take apart the stroller. Craziness! However, we made it, and the flight wasn't too bad. I ended up with two empty seats beside me, so lots of room to lay her out so that she could kick about. I broke the rules about holding her upright, and just fed her on the way up and the way down to help her poor little ears. She was very good and i was quite proud of us for negotiating the whole thing.

Tuesday she was completely exhausted, so we just hung out at the apartment all day and she slept for most of it. So, I got to catch up with mom and dad in peace and quiet, and read an entire book! Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, she was an absolute angel as we went out for lunch and shopping for cheap new clothes for me. She was very good, walking around with me in the sling for 45 minutes, and then hanging out with Pappa as I went back to try on clothes at all of the stores. In the past few days I've bought three pairs of pants, a shirt a belt and two outfits for her for the bargain price of $120!

Today, however, was an extremely long day. I think that she is teething. So, she'd only allow herself to be carried by me, screamed for between 10 and 40 minutes every time she tried to sleep, and had to be carried and vigorously jogged up and down to fall asleep. My body is exhausted and my soul a bit too. On the upside, at least I had company and someone to make me dinner for the end of this marathon! She's been asleep for two hours now. With any luck, she'll be better tomorrow. Days like this just send me mentally back to her super colicky first six weeks. It makes my soul quake in fear. Who knew how fearful a little innocent baby could make a grown person? :)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Cause I'm a blog junky

Yes, I'm posting at 7am before our flight at 10 am... but I didn't want Caroline to miss out on a pic!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Off to Florida

We're off to Florida tomorrow. First flight with the baby. I'll post later and let you all know how it went. On the upside, the fantastic grammy and poppa are waiting at the other end to help out with the babe and so is a beach and 70 degree weather. Woo Hoo!

A Day In The Life

A friend who doesn't have children asked me the other day what "I do all day?". A valid question and not intended to suggest that I have a life of leisure; she was just curious. I answered in a non-commital kind of way, because I really didn't know what we did all day. It occurred to me since then, that if someone had really answered that question for me, I would have understood better the challenges of having a baby. So, for all my friends out there who are trying and/or expecting, here's yesterday:
7:30 am get up, lay baby naked in front of tv (bad mommy) to air out the bum while I make tea and grab a banana
8 am dress baby
8:15-8:30 Adara eats
8:30-9 put in laundry and play with baby
9 am change baby's clothes
9:30 am-10:30 am baby sleeps, I shower, check email, pack for Florida and move laundry around
10:30-10:50 Adara eats
10:50 I eat
11am change diaper and pack up to grocery shop
11:30 am- 1 pm walk to store with baby in sling, shop and walk home
1pm quick snack for me and groceries away
1:15pm feed baby, change diaper
1:30pm play with baby, clean up kitchen
2pm baby sleeps, I fold laundry
2:20 baby up, change diaper
2:30 play with baby while reading book and talking on phone
3 pm- 4pm feed Adara, there's always a long nurse like this in the late pm
4- 4;20 baby sleeps, I start dinner
4:20 baby up, change her, throw her in sling while I make dinner one handed
5:30 pm feed baby, fussy time starts, feeding, puking,sleeping and changing in no particular order until magical 7pm
7pm Adara sleeps usually until 1am. I make food for the next day, eat dinner, write this blog, read and watch tv, sometimes quilt or have a friend visit

So that's a pretty typical day at home for us. Play dates with other moms and babes are much the same only out of the house, so more in and out of carseats! That's the answer to the question, what do I do all day! :)

PS This whole blog was typed one handed with her on my knee!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Getting Ready To Go It Alone

Well, Adara, Len and I are entering a new phase in our family life this week. As many of you know, since before Adara's birth Len has been working 80 hour weeks and Adara was quite colicky for the first two months. So, thankfully, I've had a bevy of helping hands to get me through this long haul. From friends coming over at night, to my parents on weekends and the wonderful Nanny Annie who came in eight hours a week to help me out and let me go and have a swim; I've had a lot of help. At the sixth week of Adara's life I realized that I hadn't gone one day without someone visiting or calling, and it's been fantastic.
In the last few weeks, the phone calls have slowed down and the baby and I have been out on our own more. We've been at mom's groups, Movies for Mommies and Baby Salsa. Today, we overcame the last hurdle as I put her in the sling and managed (for the first time) to succesfully walk the ten minutes to the grocery store,shop and walk back without her crying. A huge victory considering how long it took us just to get her to like the sling! (thank you Jenn and Gretel, you were right, it's awesome!)
And now, Len's work has slowed down to a much more reasonable 50 hour week, with him being home Monday and Tuesday during the day, and sometimes Friday day as well. A huge difference.
So, I'm entering a new phase in my life as a mother. Starting after my trip to Florida (next week) it's time to have Nanny Annie a little less or possible not at all (sob...) With Len being home I have help but the pocket book is leaner, so time to scale down. But, I'm really going to miss this wonderful woman who adores my daughter, takes great care of me, is a wonderful listener, and manages to do two loads of laundry and cook dinner in four short hours, while caring for Adara! Not to mention that when I come home, a cup of tea is always waiting for me! It's going to be so hard not having her around as much, but I'm seriously hoping that she'll consider returning when I go back to work.
As for my little family, now that Len's home it's time for me to relax and let him co-parent more. He's a fantastic father and has great instincts, so now it's time to let him do things his way without interruption from me.
I'm also feeling a lot more in control of things and have noticed that people have stopped handling me with kid gloves in case I break! All good things, but I can't help feeling a little sad. I've never felt more supported, loved and cared for then I have in the past three months. I've talked to more friends, connected more, had more supportive emails and generally felt closer to my friends and family then ever before.
So, it's time for this mommy to graduate and go it alone. Or at least, a little more alone, a little more often. But please, do call, email, or come by once in awhile. Because, as you all know, mommyhood can be a bit of a lonely road.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pics to Make Carolines day

Here's a couple of pictures to make my friend Caroline's day.  Apparently Caroline is a loyal adoring adara reader and gets sad when there's no pics, so here's some pics.  We've had a great couple of days with Len at home from Sunday at 6pm until tonight at 5pm.  It makes a world of difference to have another set of hands.  
I went to quilting class last night, where the big topic of discussion was driving in this city.  Ie: why is everyone going so fast, running reds lights, etc.  I completely agree and think that it's crazy.  This conversation morphed into stupid driving things that we'd all done in the past few years, ie: not paying attention, running red lights by mistake, going to fast, etc. I can't help but conclude that since everyone of the seven ladies at the table had one of these stories to tell on themselves, it's no wonder that we're surrounded by crazy drivers!  We are the crazy drivers, and so are you, and you, and you in the back too, dammit!  

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Why are you crying?

 No really, why?  Would someone please teach my baby to speak so that she can stop crying at me?  She's fed, slept, changed, held, etc... what's the deal?  Teething?  Maybe.... I don't know.  Any thoughts mothers?  
"Do I look chubby in this?"

Dear Mommy: I hate snowsuits (even if it is Alex's nice snowsuit that he lent me) and I'm not a big fan of dresses ( no matter how cute).  Actually, I just don't like the flash on the dumb camera.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Three Months Tomorrow

My friend Jenn wrote a letter to her son Griffin in her blog each month of his life.  I intended to do the same but never got there. So, tomorrow is Adara's 3 month birthday, so here we go.
Well baby girl, it's been a long haul with lots of ups and downs.  In the past three months you've been held by a lot of people who love you so much that they don't mind if you scream and cry.  And lately you've been held a lot by a lot of people who love your smiles, screams of delight and expressive little face.
When you came you were so tiny and perfect and beautiful.  But every day you get more beautiful.  When you sleep, you're like a sweet china doll.  When you're awake you huff and puff and scream and roll around like a little puppy, and I love it!
In three months you've learned the following things:
1) how to get what you want through making a variety of noises of varying degrees of intensity...
2) how to suck your thumb.  You spent two very intense days at grammy and poppa's house learning this skill and haven't look back since. 
3) how to hold a rattle. In fact, today in baby salsa class you held your own baby sized maraca for 10 minutes.  Now I just have to teach you to shake it...
4) how to roll over.  Although I have yet to witness this mythical skill myself, daddy reassures me that it has happened
5) how to sleep without your white noise machine.  Good girl, cause that thing was driving mommy and daddy a bit batty!
6) how to put yourself to sleep in your crib, sometimes
It's been a big three months.  You've travelled to Goderich twice and Shelburne once.  You and mommy have travelled via front pack, stroller, car and train.  Now just airplane and subway to conquer!
You've also gotten more nicknames then I could possibly have imagined.  Little Rat Girl, bunny, kitty, Bonita, Fatty Two Chins and Bella. 
You and I have really grown into eachother over the past three months. I've learned how to understand you and have come to love all of your crazy little quirks.  Ok, so the fact that you're "very alert for your age" has some downsides, but I wouldn't trade your wonder at the world for anything.  
You've gone from sleeping two hours at a time to sometimes six hours; and mommy and daddy thank you for it.  Plus, you've developed a nice habit of nuzzling into peoples necks to sleep, which everyone loves!
Just this week you've started noticing when someone other then mommy or daddy is taking care of you, and you're none to happy about it!  I'm frustrated that you don't like other people anymore, but also secretly pleased that you clearly know who we are now, and given your choice would always choose mommy and daddy.  Kinda nice, that is.
I can't imagine life without you anymore, even though I occasionally yearn for the easy freedom of those days.   You and daddy and I have a long time ahead to get to know each other.  I can't wait for what lies ahead.  I promise to  keep being patient with you, and loving you for better and worse. As long as you keep giving me your smiles and loves, I think that we're going to be ok.
Thank you little girl for choosing us.  Happy three months baby girl.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Life in the medium lane

I went swimming today and for the first time since before I was pregnant, I swam in the medium lane instead of the slow lane. Woo HOO! Moving up in the world. Up until this point I've mostly just been stretching muscles and testing systems when I swam. Today was an honest to goodness 30 minute cardio swim that challenged my physical fitness a bit to keep up with everyone. I felt great!
I think, also, that life in the medium lane, is a very apt description for me and the babe right now. Prior to the baby coming, even while very pregnant, I lived life in the fast lane. Lots of work, lots of shows to see, lots of nights out. For the past three months I've been in the slow/stopped lane. Just this past week I feel like we might be ready to rejoin the world on a limited basis. I took on a bit of grant writing work this week and will do a bit more, I think. I also got back to cooking and got my wee family back on the fruit and veggie track instead of the carbs and "whatever gets to my mouth fastest and probably includes peanut butter" track. I'm feeling pretty good. Let's see if it lasts!
In other news, apparently Adara rolled over from her front to her back twice this week with her dad watching. This was clearly punishment of me, since I had refused to take the early shift with her (8:30am) which is always mine. In return for my abandonment, she showed off her new trick to her dad. Traitor! :) Oh well, soon she'll be running all over the place and I won't be so excited by rolling over.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Date night

Len and I left the babe with the loyal babysitter, Cynthia, last night and went out for two hours.  We went and had some wings and beers and a huge talk.   A kind of "state of the nation" discussion about what's next, who should work where and when, daycare, when I  should go back to work and what's best for her.  A great conversation and lovely to be able to have it all of the way through with no interruptions. I don't know if we solved anything, but it was a good start. 
It was a really great couple of hours and reminded me of why I love my husband so much.  Thanks babe!  

Sunday, January 6, 2008


In the pic on the left, Adara is playing with her friend Alex, whom we visit with about once a week or so.  
In pic number two, we were trying to get a lovely holiday pic of Adara and Jenn's boy, Griffin.  Unfortunately, Griffin was sick of hanging out with that boring baby!  I love this pic, I think it's very indicative of how Griffin and Adara's relationship will be for the next two years or so until she can catch up with that monkey!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


I was chatting with some friends tonight who are busily getting ready to conceive their first child. It was lovely to talk babies, and pregnancy and other such things that I love and I was really happy for them that they're ready and the time is right for them.
I also felt kind of scared and nervous for them. Adara, Len and I (plus my poor parents who helped out) had a very difficult two months or so. Adara was not easy, although it wasn't her fault as the poor mite had a pretty nasty tummy! However, it takes the cake as the most mentally and physically challenging two months of my life. Sitting up with your three week old at 3 am as she screams in pain for three hours straight is difficult and emotionally draining. Once you've talked with every doctor and tried every possible cure, there's nothing that you can do, really. Much as I love my babe, at this moment, I must say that I wouldn't repeat those two months again for all of the tea in China! In fact, I think that i"ll buy stock in contraceptive technology, 'cause I'm gonna be using lots of it! :)
I'm really honestly now looking forward to the months and years ahead with my baby girl. That being said, i wish for all my pregnant and trying to conceive friends (there's lots of you, by the way...) a very easily contented, non colicky baby.

Backstage Pass

Today I got Adara all dressed up in her lovely corduroy scottie dog dress (pics to come) and took her down for her first official visit to a theatre. Len is working on Dirty Dancing at the Royal Alex and wanted to show her off to workmates. It all went remarkably well! For those of you who don't know, my baby has a strangely predictable, set your watch to it, 90minute cycle. In 90 minutes she eats, gets changed, played with and is tired and cranky again. Then she goes to sleep for however long,and we do it again. I checked back on the blog and she's been on this particular schedule since December 20th; relatively long for a baby. So at 4pm, I woke her, fed her, changed her, put on the dress, stuck her in the carseat, drove down town and unloaded her at the theatre. It was now 5pm, so as we toured from dressing room to dressing room showing off our beautiful babe, I was counting down to Len. "You've got 15 minutes left, 10, 5, 3, and she's crying" Like clockwork, 87 minutes after waking, the crying started, but that's ok 'cause the visiting was done too!
It was lovely to meet everyone and to show off our darling and she slept on the way home, so all is well.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Brain kickstart

Ok, so I've noticed that my blog is entirely about my baby.  This isn't entirely bad, one friends blog is also entirely about her baby, while another's is about her exploits in the single life, it's natural to a certain extent and, after all, the blog is named after her.
However, I think that I need to kickstart my brain with a little help from you, dear reader.
So, potential topics to discuss
1) assasination of Bhutto in pakistan. Is this like the assasination of Archduke Ferdinand that started WWI?  Is this the potential beginning of a war in the middle east resulting in a world wide war?
2) This weeks NOW magazine listing of the best theatre of 2007.  Do we agree with the choices, who should have been on the list who wasn't?  Should my beloved The Sheep and the Whale have made the list instead of just the honourable mentions?
3) Robert Latimer. Should he have been given day release from prison at his parole hearing?  Does anyone really think that he's likely to reoffend?  (He's the guy who killed his severely handicapped child by carbon monoxide poisoning her in his car, just in case you don't remember)
So, you vote.  What shall we discuss?  Then, I'll try and learn something about that thing and develop an opinion.  If no one responds, I shall assume that I'm read entirely by other moms who really don't have time to think about this stuff; and that's all ok too!

Who's baby is this?

Sleeping five or six hours at a time, sucking her thumb and falling asleep in the crib in under five minutes, sitting contently on my lap without any jiggling, jogging or shushing... Who's baby is this?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My baby loves me

So, I headed home for Christmas with lots of trepidation.  The baby had been crying and fussing a lot and I wasn't sure that I was up to trying to soothe her with tonnes of guests, family, friends and events going on at home.  I'd even thought about not going, the idea was so overwhelming.  But, Len promised that we'd manage together and that he wouldn't let me get too stressed and all would be fine and well.  We merrily drove home, and by late night on the 23rd Len had a massive fever and was delirious.  I was convinced that the gods were against me.  
But, you know what, things turn out the way that they were meant to.  Adara, changed over night.  She became easily contented, soothed with little difficulty and loved being played with by anyone and everyone. Three days after Christmas she had taught herself to suck her thumb and since then has been soothing herself to sleep sucking her thumb about a quarter of the time.  Pretty great for not yet three months!  She spent two entire hours one night lying on the sofa between her Poppa (grandfather) and I determinedely sticking her thumb in , sucking and having it fall out.  Then she'd try again, no crying, just stubborn determination.  By the next day, she had it mastered.  Since then, things have been going really well.  She and I seem to have gotten each other figured out and she rarely seems to be in pain anymore.  IN short , my almost Christmas disaster became a Christmas miracle.  Thanks Adara, I love you.

Christmas with family and friends

Here's a bunch of pics from Christmas. First up is Adara with her Poppa.  She was completely uninterested in her gifts, but loved the rustling wrapping paper.  
The next pic is with her Aunt, Uncle and cousin Liam.  Liam was awesome with his cousin, playing peekaboo and rubbing her tummy while he played with his legos. 
Next pic is with my neighbour Laura.  I always said that Laura and her sister Lisa where my test run babies.  I took care of them a lot when they were little and they turned out pretty well, all in all!

The last pic is the whole family, Len, baby and me. I told Len that this was my primary goal at Christmas, to get a decent pic of the three of us.  Well, Len got a nasty flu with fever and spent two days in bed and has no memory of this picture being taken.  Adara, as you can see, refused to have her picture taken and I didn't get to put her in nice clothes, because this was the two minutes where both her father and her were awake.  I however, look fantastic, so there!