Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sucking it Up

Our sweet if somewhat colicky baby has been replaced by demon baby the past three days.  No matter what we do, she will not sleep more then 30 minutes at a time, day or night.  We feed her, burp her, settle her ( a total of an hour and 45 or 2 hours) and then she sleeps for 30 minutes.  Not the most charming of new habits!  
Tonight after the second time that I did this, alone in a dark house, with white noise static playing (the only thing that she'll sleep to) I kinda lost it.  As I wrapped in her blanket, I was angry and it showed on my face and she screamed even  more, and screamed herself to sleep about 10 minutes later.  And I felt incredibly guilty, went downstairs, stuffed my face full of dinner, did five minutes of yoga to try and calm myself and then she was crying again.  When I went up to get her again, I talked to myself about how lucky I am.  Lucky to have this baby, blessed to get to guide this little life, lucky that the worst thing in my life is that my baby cries a lot. Then, I tried some new techniques with her, and an hour and twenty later she is asleep, although who knows for how long. I am treating myself to a glass of wine as celebration of my decision to suck it up and try again.  Really, I'm thinking that that's all any of us can do; suck it up and try again. 


Howler said...

Sweet yoga! Good for you, K, you're awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Will she sleep settle when you're holding her? Have you tried a wrap? Swaddling?

Great work on the self-administered psychotherapy!

Kendra said...

No luck with swaddling, we've been doing that forever and she doesn't seem to like it as much anymore. Yes, she'll sleep slightly longer if held, up to an hour at a time. But that isn't working so well for Len and I at this point. Plus, I've still got belly pains from the csection that make it hard to hold her that long. Yes, I'm convinced that this blog is better therapy then the stupid therapist!

Anonymous said...

Ya know, therapists sometimes are useless. But give this one another chance . Is free non?