Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Stupid email, not so smart mommy either

So, yesterday when I sent you all notices of my new baby blog, I was really excited to have gotten it done, whipped over to gmail, chose a group of friends and family to notify of it's existence and finished before the baby woke up.  This morning, my gmail has informed me that I sent the notification of the blog to EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN MY ADDRESS BOOK!!!!! ARGH! The classic dangers of email.  Being a theatre person and occasional independent contractor, I have a lot of people in my email list.  Including people that I barely know, critics, funders and the like.  So, if you all received that email and decided to check out my blog just out of curiousity, thanks and welcome, and sorry that I'm a dolt.  If you got that email and thought "why the bleep is Kendra Fry sending me bloody pictures of her baby????" I completely concur, sympathize and apologize.  Mommy brain is real, deep and far reaching in my life right now...

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