Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Birth Story

After six weeks, I finally got time to tell the g rated version of my birth story, so here she goes.
On the 15th of October, I went in for the midwife to check me out at about 4pm and tell me that nothing was progressing and I had to schedule a csection for thursday, as the baby was still breech.  So, sadly we did.  Then, Len and I headed out for a lovely dinner together at a fine dining place in the beaches, came home and went to sleep.
At 5:30 am (incidentally I've been waking up between 5 am and 6 am most of the pregnancy and always said that I thought labour would start then) I woke up with some pains.  I woke Len up very gently and we headed downstairs to make some tea, post on facebook and wait out the next couple of hours.  We had been told that a couple of hours of labour was good for the baby and me, even though we were anticipating a c section.  Apparently it gaves babe and mom good hormones that help them recover fast and manage pain.  
By 5:45 am we were posting on facebook and chatting and my contractions were 8 minutes apart.  By 6:45 am I was in the shower arguing with Len about whether we should call the midwife before 7 am with contractions 3 minutes apart.  I argue pretty good about being polite, while in screaming pain!
We called the midwife, she said get to the hospital you crazy people!  So we went... through a couple of red lights and swearing the whole way (both of us, bad potty mouth parents!).
Going across the parking lot I had five contractions and in the hospital hallways strangers were stopping to tell us where the elevators were and cheer us on.  Waiting for the elevator, I lost all sense of social propriety and decided that I needed to be on my hands and knees.  So, I crawled onto the elevator, now with the help of an ICU nurse who came with us cause she was worried about how crazy I was acting.  
At the triage, I insisted on staying on the floor.  The nurse said "You really need to stand up, it's very dirty." I said "I can't!" Len said "Come on, yes you can." and I shouted "Then, I won't!!!".  
We finally made it into triage at 7:30 am, they examined me and found out that I was over 9 cm's dilated (10 cms is go time for those who don't know).  At which point, everyone started shouting "Don't Push!"
The wonderful doctors and nurses got the epidural into me and by half an hour later, the baby was born by c section. 
The actual surgery is a complete blur to me, I was really hopped up on whatever drugs they gave me.  Len said that he'd never seen me so calm, and I really hate hospitals and had been petrified by the thought of a csection.  Drugs good!
So, that's how our wee one came into the world, fast and furious, just like her parents!


Sarah said...

I was wondering the other day about this! Thanks for the post - welcome to the blog world!!

Anonymous said...

While I would TOTALLY expect Adara to look small in Len's hands - the perspective on that photo makes his fingers look like telephone poles in relation to her tiny face! Funny!

Jenn said...

Look at you, Ms. Five posts in one day (not counting the one double one...stupid blogger!)

Anonymous said...

Nice Jenn! Call the poor new mom stupid! Only I get to call myself stupid! :)

Anonymous said...

Actually your sister gets to call ya studid too. cuz it's true...or at least when we lived together it seemed to be true.! JOKE JOKE!

Kendra said...

Well Krissa,you did nickname me Spike after the dumbest dinosaur in The Land Before Time. Ah, sisterly love!