Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why I adore my husband and parents...

'Cause I'm sitting in my bed right now eating chocolate cookies dunked in tea. 'Nuff said!

My parents have Adara in Goderich, I'm back in Toronto for a day or two with Len. I'm still recovering from the tooth surgery and the renovations are continuing on my house. Len thinks that this is the perfect reason for me to lie in bed playing on the computer, reading and drinking tea. I couldn't agree more! I must admit to sneaking into Adara's bedroom last night though and touching the crib where she usually sleeps; this was my first night away from her, ever! Last night Len and I went for a walk and smiled at all of the other little kids. One little two year old was out with her great grandfather, in her pj's and rubber boots, determinedely going up and down the slides. So sweet!

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