Sunday, May 25, 2008

Home in Goderich

So Adara and I have been home in Goderich for two days now. Thank heavens for grandparents, I don't know what I'd do without them! I'm recovering from having all of my wisdom removed on Friday (teeth that is) and am much more worn out then I expected. Fortunately, Adara has decided that she loves her grandparents and actually isn't all that in to me. Fanfreakin'tastic, good timin' baby girl! I have to head back to TO for two days, but with our house ripped to shreds, the baby will be staying here. I'm pretty confident that all will be well, but must admit to a couple of tears when I put Adara down to bed tonight. I haven't left her anywhere overnight yet, this will be a first. HOwever, given that I have to leave her for six days in two short weeks, I better suck it up and get it used to it! And, other then a lingering tendency to stub my toes in painful ways, I turned out ok and my parents raised me; they can't be all bad!
Grammy and Poppa promised to take some pics while I'm gone (heaven forbid I should miss two days!), so there should be new pics on Wednesday, tune in then!

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