Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Busy Week

So, we've been having a pretty busy couple of weeks. I'm starting to do a little work on the side for people, meaning that I've been out of the house for six hours days twice this week already. The Babe and Len are doing great and really seem to be enjoying some time with eachother sans mamma.
Meanwhile, I've been enjoying using my professional brain a bit. I have to say, though, I am stupid tired by the end of the day!
In new tricks this week, here's what Adara's up to
1) up on hands and knees, but can't figure out what to do next, so just "keens" until someone helps her to lay down or she falls down
2) Throwing her spoon over the back of her chair at feeding time in order to avoid my hands that are waiting to catch it when it's dropped off the side
3) Turning her own music box on in her crib whenever she feels like it
4) "Eating" teething cookies with much gusto and mess.

Len and I went out with a bunch of friends last night. It was a fantastic night! We were only out for three hours, but it was extremely satisfying; lots of giggles, food and drinks. We were telling a new friend, Jody, about how Len and I met. For those of you who don't know, I called him out of nowhere announcing that I was single and had a bottle of wine and would he like to get together. Jody responding by referring to Len as a "bootie call gone long". One of the funniest descriptions that I've ever heard and kind of apt.
Adoring Adara is sending a shout out to Christine today, who has a boring stupid job right now. Hang in there Christine,not long now!


Jenn said...

She is TOO cute!

xine says said...

Oh how you brighten my days at the boring stupid job! It was great to see you the other night, we'll have to do it again when I'm back in September. Have fun with Norton in Huron County this summer...