Wednesday, May 14, 2008


If 'ya come to visit for the pics of the cute kid, you can just close the page now. No cute pics today, Len's got the computer at work.
Otherwise, read on...
So, we went off to Kingston on the train this weekend. It all went pretty well, although we discovered that getting Adara to sleep on the train takes a lot of work and patience. It's all so exciting to look at, plus helpful strangers keeping cooing and waving at me!
WE stayed in Julia and Rafa's lovely new house in Kingston. The city is beautiful with so many stunning old buildings and homes. On the Saturday we arrived and went to a church tea at Julia's church. The seniors loved having Adara there and she loved being admired. Meanwhile, Len and Rafa amused themselves by making inappropriate comments in a church. In all honesty, we were all into it by the end of tea. So many comments can be taken the wrong way when you're trying...

We also did a day trip to Picton and sat on the beach for awhile and had a picnic. This was all on Mother's Day after my crazy early morning with the babe. It kind of feels like two days in one really. The predawn farting farmers, and the post 9 am family daytripping.

On Monday, Len got stuck with the early rising walk. His version began at 4:55 am and he found himself in the exact same coffee shop as me with the baby in the stroller. No farmers this time as he arrived there at 5:30 am. Too early for old farmers even; poor love! Later in the day a family friend,Judy, came to visit. I was trying to get the baby and I looking all nice for her 10 am visit since she hadn't seen the babe yet. At 9:55 am Adara blew her diaper out all over herself and my white sweater. That was my last shirt. So, Judy arrived to me in a nursing tank top and Adara rolling in her own refuse. Fun! Thank heavens she's a mom and grandma herself!

Later in the days Jules and I went out Value Village shopping and bought the babe some new toys and some furniture for Julia. Then we hooked up with the boys and baby for our lovely late afternoon beer at snacks at a kickin' pub with beer made on site.

On the way home, Adara very clearly said her first word, "Da Da" while reaching for Len. He was in ecstasy and all of the people around were smiling and laughing for him and at how cute she was. She's been saying it like mad ever since. That baby knows how to win hearts!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like such a nice trip - I love the train. Maybe I should go visit Julia that way, too! I keep thinking of finding a way and get intimidated by logistics!

Julia Hale said...

Come! Come! Everyone come! The train is lovely and we have guest room space!