Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

My Mother's Day was odd and somehow appropriate. We were in Kingston visiting with Julia and Rafa, and Adara was confused by the new location. So, she was waking every two hours and was up at 5:45 am on Sunday. I didn't want the rest of the house to have to be up due to my loud babe, so I put on some pants (no tooth brushing or hair doing) and went out for a walk. We ended up in a coffee shop full of old farmers at 6:30 am and hung out there for about an hour. The farmers made farting noises at the baby and I drank my tea, and when I realized that it was my very first Mother's Day, somehow it all made sense to me. I didn't feel annoyed or upset. I saw sunrise with my babe and had a morning tea together. Walking back to Julia's house many mothers were out gardening and wished me Happy Mother's Day with sympathetic looks. It felt good.

More on the Kingston weekend to come, with pics too. The MAC is broken right now, so it will have to wait for another day.


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day, Kendra. Glad you had this special mother's day experience with Adara and the farty farmers!

Anonymous said...

LOL, I read from the top down and wondered what you meant by farting farmers. I could share a few other versions, but will spare you. Happy belated Mother's Day to you and congrats to Adara (and Len) on those first words. Children seem to instinctively know when and who to suck up to. There will be many more years of that to come. Shelly