So, the Florida trip. We managed to make it through all of the madness of airports and fllights. On both flights Adara was an angel, sleeping for the majority of them. However, fighting my way through customs with stroller, carseat, backpack, carry on and baby was a challenge! Did you know that you have to take your shoes off now?! On the way back I actually had the baby in the sling, had to take the carseat off of the stroller, fold up the stroller, put both on the conveyor belt to scan, take the baby out of the sling, take off my shoes, socks and belt, and no, they couldn't hold the baby or help fold up the stroller. You try it, it's not easy! Fortunately, lots of other travellers helped. It actually got to the point on the way home that young business men were coming through customs and one by one, stopping to help me put on a sock, tie a shoe, put on my belt etc, and carrying on their way so the next person could help and we didn't get backed up in line!!! Insane, and somewhat embarrasing....
Anyhoooo... Florida was good, quite sunny and lovely to walk on the beach. I went shopping, went out for a couple of lunches, sat in the sun a bit and hung out with my lovely parents. Adara had a bit of a freak out and decided that no one but mommy could put her to sleep. So, lots of carrying and jiggling and swaying for me; but at least there were people making me food and tea and doing the laundry and everything!
We went out for crabcakes one afternoon and out for lovely sandwiches another. The shopping made me laugh! I used to wander with Lyndee or Jenn and look and try things on and debate and make careful purchases. This time, I told mom exactly what I wanted, we all three went into the store, dad took the baby , mom whipped things off the racks into the cart and I stood in the change room and tried them on. I came out, mom told me exactly what she thought with no sugar coating or hesitation and we put it in the "buy it" or "forget it" pile. 30 minutes later I owned two pairs of pant, a pair of capris, a sweatshirt, a belt and a baby sleeper. The only thing that we didn't find for me was tshirts and jean capris, so, another day.
Well, that's all that I can write tonight so more stories and pics as I have time and figure out the new camera.
Teaser... coming up is a lovely video of Adara giggling for the first time. However this requires me figuring out the camera and how to upload videos to the blog. So, don't hold your breath, 'cause I wouldn't want you to hurt yourselves!
Going through an airport with a baby has to be the most frustrating event in the WORLD! Did they make you take the baby's Robeez off too - that was the most ridculous part of the journey for me.
Oh, we may just be interested in buying that fancy camera of yours, if you're serious about selling it!
I am serious about selling it. It's the big Olympus that we've had for the past year.
Airports, sheesh - yeah - try it with TWO kids! I remembering going through all you describe, then discovering that Tristan had left his 'supercape' on the other side of security and we had to go back! Some security folks will agree to 'wand' and 'pat' a babe in the sling, which is helpful - but others make you take 'em out. No matter what you do to plan, it will be CRAZY - so don't knock yourself out trying to 'plan better' for next time. It will just be silly. Know that at the very least - everyone around you can see full well how much you have your hands full and are generally very sympathetic. My biggest frustration is that it's impossible to explain to a helpful stranger exactly how to collapse your stroller! Better you hold my baby and I do the hard stuff! As for camera - I have not done anything but fully automatic photography since birth of children. Isaac wants to 'experiment' so we bought a cam that does both - but I get very frustrated when I pick it up and it's on some weird setting and my pics SUCK! Red sling looks great on you guys, btw! Will you send me a sling pic for the website?
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