Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Spit Up and Smile

Well, we made it through the four month shots better then the two month ones.  We had them yesterday so that Len would be home all day monday and tuesday until 5pm with me.  It went a lot better though.  She was fine yesterday, although fussy and running a fever today.  She's asleep right now, so we'll see how long that lasts.  
They also weighed and measured her at the doctors.  She's 25 inches long (born 21 inches) and 14 pounds 8 oz (born 6 pounds 13 oz).  That puts her in the 75 % percentile (now you know mom)  for both, so she's healthy and well proportioned and gaining like a champ.  I feel personally quite smug and content with this, although I've done nothing but offer a breast when requested...
I also weighed myself and was astonished to find that I weigh 10 pounds less then I did before I got pregnant.  This has got me thinking that if I could find the time to get in some sit ups and leg lifts, I could have abs again!  Actually never mind abs again, I could have abs!  I've never had visible abs.
In other news, it's bloody snowing again!  I'm getting pretty frustrated with this!  I can't get the stroller through the snow, so I can't take her out in that.  I can't take her out in the sling or front pack, because I can't step over the mountains of snow on the corners without falling over.  I can just barely take her out in the car, because it still involves stepping over a mountain of snow carrying her, and then carrying her to our destination point over mountains of snow.  We went to baby salsa class today, because I honestly couldn't take being in the house anymore!  After a week of sun and freedom in Florida, this is particularly galling.   I went out to try out a used Zooper stroller that was a lot bigger at Once Upon a Child. It has bigger wheels which should be better in the snow.  I took it out for a test drive with Adara, and even with huge wheels, it still had trouble with this snow.  It also folds to such a large size that it would take up the entire trunk of the car.  We may have to revisit this stroller debate in the spring when we give mom back her car and so will be strollering a lot more. Then, I won't care if it folds up into the car or not. 
Len and I had to attend a funeral visitation on sunday afternoon with Adara.  She was very good and we took her along specifically to give people something to do other then feel sad.  After the visitation, Len pointed out to me the number of times that I said "puke" as in "Oops, baby, you've had a big puke there!" or " Look out Len, she's puking on you!".  He suggested that in my past life as a non mom I never would have said this word; I would have settled on "spit up" or "was sick to my stomach".  He also suggested that "puke" is rude.  I think that he's right.  I felt kinda sad thinking about how talking to myself and Adara all of the time has really lowered my conversation level, never mind my sense of what's polite.  And lets not even discuss what it's done to my table manners or my sense of what's "fashionable".  Essentially, it looks good on me if it zips or buttons up the front now!  Oh well, it's a short and weird period in my life and I will recover.  In the meanwhile, I  shall just wipe the "spit up" off my shoulder and keep on smiling!


Anonymous said...

Polite schmite - you're slogging in the trenches, now, girl! Say what you mean and mean what you say!

Anonymous said...

hey, you have not seen puke yet....I just spent some time in our lab school and puke was flying in one of the toddler rooms.....trust me there is a difference between puke and spit up......it is that wonderful world of solid food that makes the difference:-)AR