Friday, February 8, 2008

Mind Games

Len (my husband) and I have started a fun new game because I was complaining bitterly about my "mommy brain". Now, on thursdays he brings home the Epoch Times. It's a ten page little newspaper that summarizes some world and local events with a pretty liberal approach. It's my job over the course of the next week to read the paper when I have time and guess which article he wanted to discuss because he thought it would interest both of us. It's a fun little exercise in how well we know eachother, gives us something to talk about and gives me a goal (no matter how small) for the week. I quite like it! This weeks discussion was about Kivek (I think that's the name, or Kiva... mommy brain) an online organization that organizes small loans from first world people to third world people to start up businesses or agricultural ventures.

The baby developed a new skill today. She can now suck on her left foot big toe just as well as her right hand thumb; and with just as much contentment. Ah,how they grow...

Tonight I'm off to see Bombay Black at the Living Arts Centre while loyal babysitter Cynthia minds the wee one. Our friends Julia and Rafa are also coming for their first visit with us since the babe. They are talking about having kids and I'm really a little afraid that seeing our lives will talk Rafa out of it... oh well!
That's it from me for today.
PS: those of you who were hoping for a pic or video, can blame Len. He keeps taking the mac to work and it's got all of our multimedia on it.

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