Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Blitz Bliss and other stuff

Today was a lovely day! I got up, ate breakfast got ready and headed out the door to baby salsa class. We took the subway for the first time together, and that went just fine. Although, did you know that not every subway station is wheelchair/stroller accesible? I did not and am frankly a little shocked. I talked to another mom on the subway about it and she suggested that I check before heading anywhere with the stroller. She also gave me her "mom card" which was super cool with her and her baby's info. Neat, huh?
Anyhoooo... Then I went to Body Blitz spa with Gretel. Glorious!!!! It's a water therapy spa where you move between a big warm salt water pool, a hot green tea hot tub pool, a cold therapy pool, sauna and steam room. It has great big red leather loungers to lay on and the pool room is all cedar and natural stone with waterfalls and low lighting. It was so great, I want to go again and again!
Got home at 4:30pm and since then have managed to catch up with Len, make and eat dinner, put the baby to bed, make tomorrow's lunches, put together tomorrows crockpot dinner, do the dishes, put away clothes and catch up with blogs. I am a super homemaking, spa indulging Queen!
On a different note, cause Jenn mentioned it in her blog: what the bleep was with Stuart Maclean this week?????? For those of you who don't know, he's the host of the Vinyl Cafe on CBC. This week he decided to do an entire hour long show of sad songs. What the bleep was he thinking doing an hour of sad songs in the middle of bloody February????? Perhaps my parents who are in Florida were able to put up with it more, but for those of us alone in our houses, with crying babies in February in the midst of piles of snow, this was not good! Silly Stuart, sad songs are for the emotionally stable/non hormonal...
Len's bday on Sunday was great! We were out until midnight and had about 40 folks come out for some pool, drinks and food. I ordered a platter of Indian nibblies for a little group, and then Gretel and I ate it all mostly solo.... feeding babies is hungry work, dammit! Lots of Len's work friends came and it was great to finally get to know them a little better too. So, thanks to everyone who made the night so much fun and a welcome break from baby land.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guilty as charged...I ate half that platter of food...had such a nice time blitzing with you at the spa - what a perfect experience! I went back yesterday alone and had a massage and read on the lounge chair for ages... definitely could be habit-forming! Glad to hear the experience left you in a space where you could be so contentedly industrious - I love that!