Friday, February 13, 2009

Waiting and Worrying

First off, to avoid creating the panic that I created on facebook today, I think that we're probably ok. I'm a bit worried about Adara, as she's been acting weird and has a nasty fever today. Yesterday she cried for an hour straight for no good reason and none of her favourite things (including tv) made it better. She'd wacked her head on a coffee table at daycare yesterday, so I thought that maybe she had a headache. So I gave her some advil and she went to bed.
This morning she was running a bit hot. She usually is a cool child, at about 36.5 degrees celsius. This morning she was 37.5. By this evening when she woke up from her nap she was at 39.2 degrees. This worries me a bit. We undressed her, gave her lots of water, a cool bath and some more advil before bed. I hope that this will settle things down but she wasn't much cooler when I put her to bed. So, I worry. I made the mistake of posting the status on my facebook today that I was " a wee might worried about my baby girl" and got an instantaneous reaction from several friends checking in by facebook or phone. It was lovely and supportive and one of the things that I like best about facebook. However, I felt a bit guilty for worrying everyone!
In other news we got a new sweatshirt in the mail today from Auntie's Ruth and Carole. Thanks Auntie, it's gorgeous! we also got a new ebay box sent by Auntie Kristen. It was chock full of size three clothes that will do us into the summer.
Thanks to all of the fabulous stylish Aunties!

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