Saturday, February 28, 2009

Planets Align

This morning Adara was uber-cranky for no particular reason. Her fever has gone down but she was just pushy and nasty this morning. So, Len and I got out the tin whistles and harmonica to entertain her. For those of you who don't know, we have two tin flutes, a harmonica and two guitars in the house.
Neither of us know how to play any of these instruments.
As a child I played the organ, In highschool I played trumpet, french horn, and tried to teach myself guitar. I never really had enough time to learn guitar. I could acceptably play trumpet and french horn, but don't own either of those instruments: plus you just don't play them casually for yourself or at a party. So, while I theoretically play instruments, I never do. Len never had any training but has always wanted to.
So, this morning, we were noodling around for Adara, picking out little tunes. It took me back to my grandfather Slesser, who was a great harmonica player and played all of the time. I remember him playing Roll out the Barrel, Oh Sussanah and My Darling Clementine by the campfire all of the time and in their living room when my mother would play the organ and my cousin, the piano. It was always a great time and as kids we would jump around like mad and sing along. I miss this. Len and I talked about how we never have time to learn ( and more specifically practice), sighed and moved on with the day.
Tonight, I was Listening to Randy Bachman's Vinyl Tap on CBC. It's on CBC radio every saturday night and I usually listen while I do all of the chopping and prepping for the big weekly meal that I make on sunday nights. With Adara and I home alone on Sunday I have to start prepping saturday night in order to pull off a big family meal for six pm on Sunday. So, Randy Bachman's show is great for cooking to. Good tunes (50's, 60's, 70's and 80's), inside stories from the music business and details about how songs are structured and interrelated. I love it! So, anyhow, tonight he's talking about a guy ( Adam Gussow) who teaches beginner to advanced Harmonica over youtube. It's Kismet, I was meant to check this guy out and see if I can learn the harmonica. So, I'm off to try that in a few minutes and I'm uber excited. Realistically between baby, crazy work, house cleaning, cooking, occasional workouts, finishing a baby quilt and sleeping, this harmonica obsession might last a week. Then again, you never know where planetary alignments will lead you!

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