Saturday, November 22, 2008

Why I love Kimbourne Park

We went to an Ontario Early Years Drop In Centre today, Kimbourne Park. It's the only one near us that operates on a Saturday.
It was awesome! A huge basement room in a church with about six different play areas. In the centre was a toddlers climbing gym on top of gym mats and a whole bunch of big (the size of Adara) foam blocks to stack and roll on and crawl under. Then, there was a play kitchen area, a reading area, an infant area, a car and truck area, a blocks and building blocks area, a play doh area, and a tonne of comfie couches for parents. Parents were lounged chatting with each other, playing on computers, doing crosswords or watching the kids. There was lots of dads too, which is unusual at other drop ins. Pretty much all of the kids were under three, so no danger of getting thwacked by an older kid, and there were no choking hazards. There was also a juice and cookie area, 10 highchairs, and a separate room for diaper changes. Can you tell how exciting this was to me?!! We will be going every saturday all winter. Adara was gloriously happy and needed nothing from me but an occasional hug or swig of milk. It was super relaxing and the other parents were nice and interesting too.
I love Kimbourne park! Thanks heavens for this winter baby haven!

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