Saturday, November 29, 2008

Content, but Lacking in Inspiration

Hello, I'm here. I just don't have much to say. I've been contentedly baking and quilting and house cleaning much of my evenings this week. Not exciting, but relaxing. I took Adara's diaper off tonight to give her bum a bit of an air out as she was getting a bit red. In 30 minutes she peed seven times and pooped twice. Exciting. Kinda funny really. Needless to say the house got a thorough sweep and mop tonight.
Went over to Kimbourne park again today. Still lovin' that place, super fun.
Tomorrow is picture day. More on that later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've had my head down...and still do...but glad to check in today and see that you're having some relaxation and rejuvenating time in your weeks. Yay for bare bums! (and resulting clean floors)