Friday, November 7, 2008

Another Day, Another Cough, Another Runny Nose

I'm sharing pictures today from Adara's birthday morning. We haven't really taken any pics since then as we've all been quite sick. I got a flu with fever 15 days ago, it became a nasty cough, then walking pneumonia. So, I'm still trying to recover.

Last night was the opening of my first show with my new theatre company. Len and I went and did the opening and it was completely exhausting for both of us as we're both ill. However, neither of us would have missed it for the world. I got the chance to meet with some of our donors and subscribers, who had a surprising amount to say to me last night. Len, as always was lovely and debonair and acted as bartender for me for the party. The reviews were great today, so hopefully sales will run wild!

Yesterday, Adara got the sniffles as well,and today, has her first full blown cold. She's had the sniffles before, and thrown up a couple of times, but this is the first honest to goodness, nose running, chest rattling, occasional fever, cold. My heavens, though, she has an amazing immune system. I've had this for 15 days, Len for about 6, and she only succumbed yesterday. I begin to believe that breastfeeding may indeed have helped her immunity.
In non sick news,Adara's language skills have leaped ahead. Words now include "no, yes, ma-ma, da-da, poppa (her grandfather), piggy (a favourite stuffed animal) peek-a-boo (really remarkably clear), water, ba-ba (bottle, my fault, I used a cute baby word and now that's what she uses) and bye-bye. I must admit that I'm pretty impressed. She seems to be adding a word a week now.
That's it from us, here's hoping that we're better next week and have more interesting stories to tell. Here's hoping that you and your families are all well.

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