Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Beyond My Wildest Dreams

Last night was beyond my wildest dreams. I am not an American, in fact, I'm often anti-American. But last night was monumental. Had Martin Luther King not been assasinated, he might have lived long enough to see a black president. That's a huge amount of change in one lifespan. From segregated schools to a black president in 50 odd years. It restores my faith in humanity and in the ability of everyone to "do the right thing" when it comes down to it.
Even with this horrific plague (now pneumonia) still slowing me down and with the first preview of my new show last night, I still found time to sit down in a pub for an hour with like minded friends last night and watch history unfold. I'm glad that I took the time.


Anonymous said...

Yes, the celebration continues today and I even got up at 5:30yesterday morning to go with Carole when she voted!!! So, we will be staying in the US for a few more years :-) AR and AC

Anonymous said...

REALLY exciting. For the first time I truly felt privileged to be able to cast an absentee vote in the US election. Glad you were able to share the excitement with others - we so badly wanted to go out to watch with others (we don't have a only internet coverage), but couldn't swing the kid logistics...bah!