Friday, July 4, 2008


Today Len and Adara and I took out an Autoshare car for the first time. For those of you who don't know, this is a company where you sign up, get given a magical key and the ability to pick a vehicle from on of over 300 locations across TO. You pay a flat rate that covers insurance and gas, plus km's on top.
So, today we got one booked and Len brought it home around 10:30 am with the intent of leaving after we put in the carseat, which is also new since the babe is now over 20 pounds. At 11 am, we still had the intent to leave, but not the carseat installed. Am I getting dumber or are carseats and the cars that they go in insanely complex? We ended up just doing it old school with the seat belt threaded through an impossibly small hole, as we couldn't figure out the bloody floor latch, universal latch, seat latch, bloody sky latch system! Stats say that 80% of Canadian carseats are installed wrong and now I'm pretty sure I know why. Just call me another statistic people; just another stat.


Jenn said...

I TOTALLY hear ya! Especially when you're installing it in a strange car. You just need to get to know (and love!) your car seat, and soon you'll be installing it like a PRO in any old car!

Anonymous said...

I totally hear you. We now have relatively simple seats as the kids are bigger - but being Autoshare members for many years...with two kids...I can tell ya that you have to factor in the car seat time. You will get so you have 'favourite' cars or a 'regular' car that you use. Once you've got it figured out - it'll be less frustrating and you will be able to repeat with ease. Welcome to Autoshare!