Sunday, January 29, 2012

Singing Bird

Adara loves the website for tvokids. It has some good videos and some great little games that she can play herself without help. So, while we limit her screen time, I would rather that her screen time was spent playing a game which she actually has to interact with rather then just watching. It helps her with hand/eye coordination, letters and numbers and computer literacy. This is all true, it's also what I tell myself to make myself feel better when my kiddo is playing a computer game so that I can make dinner in peace.
One one of the games on tvokids, there is a little singing bird. When Adara clicks on him to play one of his games, he sings a cheery little song "I'm clicking and learning, and surfing and singing...". It is a very cheery, happy little song that reminds me that she's learning and makes me feel better. Which is, in fact, why I think that bird is there. I think that that bird is specifically in tvokids in order to make parents feel better so that they'll let their kids go on the website. That weirds me out a bit, but I still like his little song.

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