Saturday, May 15, 2010

The New Toy

The other night, Adara got to say up late, because of this...

This is Len's new super high efficiency battery operated (no cord) lawn mower. He was pretty excited. So, Adara woke up and I was watching Dancing with The Stars and he was assembling the lawnmower in the living room, so no one was going to be reading her another book in bed. So, she got included in the dancing lawn mower assembly. Bad parents,maybe? But, you know the more that I think about it, the more I realize that the memories I have of my parents are of when they broke the rules. The pancake fight at dinner time, a late night scary movie that I shouldn't have been watching with dad, clothes that my mother bought me when she said that she wouldn't. Rules, seem to be made to be broken.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Wow! That's one lean, mean cutting machine.