Saturday, April 17, 2010

The big girl bed

Here's the promised pic of Adara's new bedroom and sheets. Len worked all last Saturday to pull of this transformation as the whole room had to be dissasembled including a massive bookshelf. Adara got to choose her own sheets and as you can see, the Dora and Diego sheets have been very popular. Adara spent much of an afternoon with the sheets wrapped around her wandering around the house. So far, so good. In seven days, she managed to wiggle her way back into our bed only once.

As to the food project, due to everyone being sick, we've fallen right off the wagon. I got strep throat last week, Len got a cold on monday, tuesday and wednesday when I was thankfully well; and then my strep throat returned on friday. I'm suffering pretty good this time as the antibiotic is pretty much attacking my whole body and filling me with aches and pains and body issues. I'm very much ready for this to be done!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Wow...great job Len!