Saturday, January 31, 2009


I'm listening to Definitely Not the Opera on CBC and it's all about the fights that couples have about dishwashers and cooking and the like. I'm sitting here thinking to myself, "Wow, we're saints, we never fight about these things!"
And then, I realize, we don't fight about them, because we rarely do them together. I added it up and on a good week, Len and I spend 20 hours a week together. We don't have time to fight about dishes and cooking. I'm not actually complaining about how little I see my husband here. I'm realizing that I think that this is the key to our relationship. We don't fight because we don't have time to. So, inevitably all of our time with each other is spent on the lovin'. I think that works alright in my world! Now if only I saw my coworkers that little...


Julia Hale said...

I also think you are selling yourself a little short. Unlike many couples you talk about such things before you start to yell about them. Surprisingly, when you do that you often find that you can either agree or compromise.

Len said...

yea ....... what she said!!!!
Heh Heh Heh
And you thought I never read the blog. How else do i remember things like the birthdays and anniversaries.