Thursday, December 11, 2008


So, does anyone else think that all of the newspapers, radios, tvs and computers that deliver the news everyday that the economy has tanked, we're in recession, we all have too much debt and are headed for chaos, should just "shut the heck up"? I mean really, I've had it! Next they're going to act all surprised when they find out that more people are seeing mental health professionals and taking mood altering drugs. Well, duh! You're setting us up for it. You just can't hear this much negativity every day without becoming influenced by it, people.
For me, it's been a hard week. Len and Adara have had the flu (not me yet) and so the level of laundry/cleaning has gone up while the level of general life happiness has gone down. Work has been difficult. I've had very little emotional support and a lot of people attacking me over things that I have very little control over. Len and I have had no time to discuss my work issues as we're just passing in the night. This leaves me just kind of stewing on things. And, worst of all, Adara has suddenly decided to be two (or at least behaviourally). She's throwing fits when she doesn't get her way, coming up and hitting me when Len hugs or kisses me, screaming if Len sets her down, and saying "no, no, NO, NO, NO" to everything, even if she wants it. To give the mite credit, she's gotten in three molars this week and had the flu. But Len and I are really struggling with the fact that that doesn't excuse this willful, mean, out of control behaviour. Now I know, some of you are thinking, she's only one, she doesn't know what she's doing. But, I'm sorry, she's an unusual one year old, and she does know precisely what she's doing. So, Len and I instituted a policy tonight that when she lies on the floor and screams that she hasn't gotten her way, we're saying " I love you, but I don't like the way that you're acting" and walking away. She does seem to understand, but not without a lot of screaming first. Eventually, she jumps up and runs after and we have decided that for this age, we'll just give her a hug and return to playing. There are limits to her understanding, after all. Any other suggestions moms? I realize that this is the beginning of a long battle with behaviour and limits and respect. I just don't know if I'm up to starting the battle this week.


Anonymous said...

the hardest part of 'correcting' behaviors (ie: changing the things you can't stand) is that it usually take a consistent behavior on your part, concerted parental teamwork and consultation, and a period of painful adjustment while you enact 'the plan'. Isaac and I struggle constantly (considering there are two kids AND a dog who all have habits we'd like to break them of) to deal with the fact that life just keeps shooting arrows regardless of how extreme one family member's discipline or sleep issues are - and 'getting it together' to address teh problem often takes a very long time as we wait for the 'right' circumstance or the chance to do some research or even just discuss between parents what you will do. I find the best (if sometimes temporary) relief is when you at least have agreed on what you'll try next. You guys are in good shape that you have something you can both consistently try for now with Adara's tantrums.
I'm sorry that in the midst of the craziness you're not getting time with Len or the emotional support you need. It sounds like everything is taking on a lot of momentum without giving you a chance to take a breath for yourself. I think we need a BB date in the next few weeks.

Kendra said...

Thanks for the thoughtful comments Gretel. I definitely agree about bb. I actually do have time on the 23rd if it was within budget? Jenn, you too?

Anonymous said...

Ah yes...the testing of parental limits. Liam was unusually easy to parent, even at one and two but we had our battles too. I think you're on the right track. She'll get the message that tantrums and hitting just aren't allowed. It might take 15 tries or 150 for her to quit testing you. That's the thing with just have to STICK with it even when you'd rather chew tinfoil. Can't wait to see her next week!

Anonymous said...

You're so on track with Adara and I'm in admiration. It's tough but you're doing all the right things!