Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monkey on the Move

As you can probably tell from the pictures in the last little while Adara is developing a real sense of humour and adventure. She goes from room to room opening cupboards, pulling things out, throwing things in to the tub, etc....
When Adara first started crawling I asked my mom about putting latches on cupboards and the toilets and things. She said, "Oh, Liam (Adara's sweet cousin) never got into any of those things, why don't you just wait and see". I rather suspect that the words "Liam never did that" are going to come up a lot. Not negatively, just truthfully. She's wild where he was gentle and cautious. She's easily angered, where he's always been sweet tempered. It's kind of fun to see the differences.

Adara started daycare at a house around the corner this week. We had intended to put her in a fully registered daycare, but were unable to find one. We were offered a spot in one in April and one in November. Unfortunately, we needed this week as Len went back to work tonight.
So, one of the registered daycares near us, runs an at home version as well. The homes are overseen by the centre, but not fully registered. We placed Adara there for the first time yesterday and Len and I were both a little anxious.

Needlessly anxious of course, she loves it. She's happy and energetic playing with the other kids, and tired and ready for bed when she gets home. We always knew that she was a social creature. She's happiest in crowded restaurants and coffee shops, always has been.
In other news, we can't seem to figure out what to feed this kid. She's sick of baby food, loves bread and cheese and apples, but will not eat real (ie non pureed) vegetables of any kind. Ideas, moms?


Anonymous said...

She's amazing. Your comments are so true. (In our day it was 'my child will never do that'...turns out eating words became a habit until you kick that saying) Liam will be a great inflluence on Adara. They are so lucky to see each other so much. My doctor always said ...it's not what they can chew, it's what they can swallow ie) how good are their swallowing reflexes? It's a miracle ours all survived with all of the cut up wieners!!! Good Luck./SP

Anonymous said...

ah food - the life-long adventure. Try veggies that are best served pureed even to grown ups. Roo thrived on butternut squash with a touch of maple syrup, sweet potato which can be done in strips like fries instead of pureed, carrots pureed with o.j. - that covers orange things. We can chat about the other colours :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey there
As Liam's mom I have to say that it's soooo true. We can't get Liam to try new stuff unless we give him all the details first. We never put locks on anything but it took him ages to learn to open his thermos at school....so you see, Adara will just jump in and have lots of adventures. She won't need help in JK to eat her lunch. Every child is so different!
On the food front I'm having a hard time remembering. I think Greg fed Liam exactly what we were having, just mushier and I stuck to the toddler baby foods in a jar. Of course, Greg did give Liam salt and vinegar chips as an infant soo....not sure if his way is that good!