Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Birthday cake

Last week Adara and her friend who was over visiting helped me to make and decorate Len's birthday cake. As he's allergic to wheat, It's always a big of a production to make him a decent cake. Thank heavens for my friend Dennie who gave me the definitive gluten free baking cook book and my sister in law Janice who gave me the definitive gluten free easy weekday meals cookbooks. My angels!

The kids went to town on the decorating with the piping bag that Len got me for Christmas that I thought that i would never use but already have used twice.
They made a bit of a mess of it, but it tasted good and was fun!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Family Day

We asked Adara what she wanted to do for Family Day. Since we live in a big city, there was a tonne of options. Zoo? Science Centre? Movies? Family fun Fair with camel ride and bouncy castles? Nope. She wanted to "go out for breakfast so you don't have to cook, have a dance party, watch a movie, play a game and have a picnic" Ok, we can do all of that since dance party refers to just her and me dancing and picnic means on our living room floor. As it was a beautiful day we threw in a little playing on the equipment at the beach for good measure.

The picnic it turns out was to be costumed. So, the Lone Ranger, A caped crusading bat, and a slightly over jewelled princess had dinner on the floor with candles. Can you guess who was who?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Photographer or Music Teacher

Tonight at Bedtime Adara was talking about how she wanted to be a music teacher, which I was thinking was the first time that she'd mentioned wanting to be anything at all. Then she reminded me that she'd wanted to be a photographer but had changed her mind for now. The photographer thing came up over Christmas when I suggested to Grammy that she lend Adara her digital camera to play around with for a while. Here are the results.

Not bad for four years old, eh? Really, though, with two theatre people in the family, neither music teacher or photographer is really floating my boat. How about stock trader or computer programmer? No? Oh well, fine then, be what you want to be kid! :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I absolutely love when I see a photo of a friends kid on another mom blog and they're wearing something that Adara once wore. It immediately takes me back to that moment and time with her, to whatever age and stage she was at. I compare her at that age to the child currently in the clothes and think happy thoughts about both of them. It doesn't even have to be something that was Adara's to begin with. There are a series of sleepers that have passed back and forth between my friend Jenn and I and I love them just as much each time that I see them. It's like your life, briefly matched to the life of someone else that you love. Perfect.