Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Birthday cake

Last week Adara and her friend who was over visiting helped me to make and decorate Len's birthday cake. As he's allergic to wheat, It's always a big of a production to make him a decent cake. Thank heavens for my friend Dennie who gave me the definitive gluten free baking cook book and my sister in law Janice who gave me the definitive gluten free easy weekday meals cookbooks. My angels!

The kids went to town on the decorating with the piping bag that Len got me for Christmas that I thought that i would never use but already have used twice.
They made a bit of a mess of it, but it tasted good and was fun!

1 comment:

dennie said...

I now own a whoopie pie baking pan. I just have to figure out a gluten-free version of the cake part since the usual stuff would be too fragile....