Friday, January 21, 2011

Social Life

This winter Adara is developing her own social life and hobbies. She's enrolled in dance class on saturdays and gymnastics on sundays. Dance class she does on her own, which is the first time that I haven't had to be in the room for one of her classes. A definite change and it's interesting to try and gather from her after how the class went as parents aren't even allowed in the class. She is very proud of her galloping skills and will show them off, hands jauntily on her hips, to anyone who asks. Gymnastics, she's not so into, but loves the opportunity just to jump around.
For Len and I it's a move towards the world of a preschooler. Classes and events, teachers and schedules. It's nice to see her reacting so well to authority figures and we hope that this will be a good lead into her school years.
It does make me a bit teary, though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this picture.....pondering the future? ~AR